become a VIP from the start. exciting changes to come!

spring is a time for growth and change. i am fully embracing that this year. i am working on a new studio space! however, that's not the only change. i am going to be changing my brand, and my photography focus entirely. kind of like a 'make-over'...

which is exactly what i will be offering to each and every one of you very soon! intrigued? (:

ok, so a few sneak peek details. i am re-branding. getting a new website. and creating a new space for portrait sessions. these new portrait sessions will include make-up and hair make-overs. then a full portrait session not for just for you, but for at least TWO of you - for the same fee. you and your best friend, your sister, your mom, or all of the above (all for the same sitting fee. nothing extra for adding more friends) - whomever you want to bring. oh, yeah and i am offering you the chance to become one of my VIP's!

what will a VIP get?  you will be part of the champagne opening celebration and will get the first pick of the dates in my calendar for a session in the new space. you will also get gifts, but those are secret right now. i need to save some surprises right!?

to become a VIP all you need to do is invest an amount now and you will get double that in credit with me. for example- give $150 and get $300 in credit! and the investment can be any amount you choose. simple and smart.

you get the satisfaction of helping me create something wonderful for women. in the sessions i have done with make-overs in the past the overwhelming response from the women was amazing. people came back and said they felt like a different person, they had more confidence, they were truly thrilled. i have written some about this in previous posts and will begin to share the stories that women have written me on this blog.

those sessions were the beginning of my motivation for really wanting to be able to do this for every women. and now with this new space and new approach i will be able to do something i have been hoping for and thinking about for awhile now.

i can't wait to share it with you.


new direction announcement and some love


spring fever family sessions special